Welcome to Webspiration Classroom™

Think Visually with Graphic Organizers and Diagrams

Brainstorm, develop ideas and express your thinking with visual mapping techniques such as webs, bubble diagrams, concept maps and idea maps. Use these proven learning methods to understand and communicate concepts, and organize and structure ideas for writing.


Get Organized with Outlines

Use Webspiration Classroom's powerful outlining tools to organize work and expand ideas into clearly written documents. Move projects forward as you take better notes and add detail to your outline to develop essays, papers, reports, plans, study guides and other comprehensive documents.


Collaborate Anytime Anywhere

Co-create documents and collaborate online easily. Invite others to work on the same document-contributing, posting comments and viewing changes. Whether your classmates or study group function as reviewers or as content co-developers, Webspiration Classroom makes it easy to include everyone's work and feedback while keeping the process organized and on track. Webspiration Classroom is ideal for group projects, peer review, study groups, and co-authoring materials.